To be a world class professional University, constantly striving for excellence in education, research & technical services and develop competent, ethically & morally strong leaders for industry & society.
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I shall uphold the honour and image of DIT at all times.
I shall be totally impartial, fair and just to all student in assessment.
I shall encourage honest dissent and new ideas in discussion.
I shall never be inadequately prepared for class discussion.
I shall not give wrong or misleading answer to students. I shall clarify them after consulting others.
I shall shun all parochial tendencies based on caste, religion, race and gender.
I shall not use offensive insinuating or sarcastic remarks. I shall be mature and tactful, while dealing with students/peers.
I shall develop mutual trust with students/peers.
I shall not indulge in cheap popularity. I shall maintain highest standards of discipline and social grace.
I shall maintain punctuality for the class and never miss any class without prior sanction of leave and arranging substitution.
I shall bring to the notice of my seniors and misconduct of my students/colleagues that may bring disrepute to DIT.
I shall uphold the honor and image of DIT at all times.
I shall never use any unfair means or involve in plagiarism.
I shall be punctual and always come well prepared for the class. I shall be attentive in the class and never indulge in daydreaming and boasting.
I shall not hesitate to give my views/new ideas freely.
I shall display selflessness, team spirit and cooperation.
I shall be honest and truthful in all dealings.
I shall never involve/indulge in sycophancy and manipulation.
I shall be respectful and obedient to our teachers and other staff.
I shall maintain highest standards of discipline and social grace at all times.
I shall be making continual endeavor for self improvement by pursuing self learning.