Discipline is the bridge between the goals and accomplishments”. DIT University expects every student to be disciplined as to excel in their chosen fields. Disciplinary proceedings are conducted as per the gravity of the act of indiscipline.
To have smooth functioning and harmonious atmosphere we have experienced Discipline Committee as below:


Proctorial Board
Departmental Discipline Committee
Hostel Discipline Committee
University Discipline Committee
Chief Proctor – Chairman
Proctors representing various Faculties/Departments

Proctorial Board - Shall serve as the Disciplinary Committee for all acts of indiscipline. Matters of indiscipline will be studies in depth, for any further action. In case the matter is declared null and void by the Proctorial Board, then further, this can be escalated to the Office of Vice Chancellor for his final decision.

Departmental Discipline Committee
Head of the Department (Concerned Department) – Chairman
Two Senior Faculty (Concerned Department)
Class Coordinator (s) concerned
Associate Dean, Student Welfare
Faculty/Department Proctor (if any)
It deals with the disciplinary issues related to general conduct of students in the class rooms, laboratories and departmental premises. If the violations are more serious in nature, this committee will forward the matter to the Proctorial Board.
Hostel Discipline Committee
Chief Warden – Chairman
Associate Dean Students Welfare
Two Wardens (one from the concerned hostel
It deals with the minor disciplinary issues related to the hostel affairs.

University Discipline Committee:
Director, Academic Administration – Chairman
Dean, Student Welfare
Chief Proctor
Chief Warden
Two Senior Faculty Members (including one Head of the Department of the concerned Department)
The chairman may co-opt upto two additional faculty members as per requirement.
The Committee shall deal with all major acts of indiscipline referred by Proctorial Board.
Other committees dealing with discipline are as under:-
Women welfare committee
Mentoring cell
Anti-Ragging Committee
Anti-Ragging Squad
Anti-Ragging students Squad
Details about above mention committees are given in detail at Discipline Regulations-2013